Monday, March 22, 2010

The mean dentist

Jackson has been in his big boy bed for a full two weeks. And as always he completely amazes me. He has done great! For the first week, it may have taken a little bit longer to actually fall asleep for naps and bedtime, but now he knows the drill and goes right to sleep.

Last week, he went to the dentist for the first time and to say he didn’t like it would be an understatement. He has never had any problems with letting me brush his teeth. It is almost the opposite, he is fighting me cause he wants to do it. He has always been super at the doctor’s office and even when he had to have stitches awake. But the dentist? He was not having any of that. First I think it was the way they tried to have me lay him basically against my lap. He doesn’t like that any time. In the end the dentist and hygienist were able to get in there and get the job done. Course one of the things the dentist said was that it was time to get rid of his pacifier. Thanks lady…I already have that on my list of to-dos, but honestly it scares me. Since he turned one, he has only had the paci for bedtime and naps (and the occassional car trip). So to me his daily total paci time can not be more than an hour a day. Also, if kids suck their thumbs then they are certainly doing it longer than 22 months. But I digress, cause I feel the need to defend my boy and his paci. I am afraid that he will have a hard time adjusting. I feel that at a year I should have taken the paci away along with nursing and bottles, because at that time the attachment wasn’t near as strong as it is now. I am afraid that he will go to sucking his thumb or fingers, which is one of the reasons I gave him the paci anyway (I mean you can’t go around throwing away fingers). My plan is to give him a month of being in his new room and big boy bed before I implement operation no more paci. Not sure of my exact tactics. Some people say cold turkey is best, some have used the magical paci fairy and presents, someone even suggested I put that stuff you put on your nails to stop biting them. Part of me thinks a slow way out might work. Where I try to lay him down without it and see if he minds – if he does let him try to self soothe for a period of time that increases over several days. While It upsets me that the dentist said anything about it at all, I guess part of me is glad that I now have a reason why I should do it. I mean with his dad and I both having braces it isn’t like he was going to make it through school without some horrible braces pictures.

In general Jackson news, he is growing up which I guess is obvious but he is looking grown up. A lot of the baby chunk is gone, his face has slimmed down course he still has mommas chipmunk cheeks. He looks like a little man, he walks like a little man and he acts like a little man. He is smart almost too smart for his own good, he is sweet and knows how to give the best hugs and kisses, he is kind he was sharing his snacks with his friends this weekend without being made to, aw he is the light of our life.

In belly land, I am 22 weeks. Just barely over the half way hump. My belly has grown and I now look pregnant. I feel her moving all the time. She seems to be a lot more active that I remember Jackson. July is seeming so close and yet so far away. It seems that we will have spurts of busy time followed by slow times as we wait for her arrival.

1 comment:

Sarah @ said...

Congratulations on the belly bump =)