Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So I have all of these random thoughts about what to write in our blog, but they never seem to culminate into a great post. This I feel is the story of my life- a whole bunch and random that really doesn't make any sense, but it is our life!

Jackson has a cheese smile- you know there is his regular smile and now when he is really happy or thinks something is really funny he 'cheeses' meaning his smile gets bigger and he squishes his face until his eyes are almost closed. It is super! You should see it.

He has a new dance. For awhile, I can tell that Jackson has my appreciation for music. He has either done a head bang along with the beat or a little bottom shake or if he is in his car seat he will clap his hands and get happy feet. All of these are so funny, but his latest his Indian dance. You know how Indians will stand in one place and raise their feet up and down really fast. That is what he does now. It is not even a week old but it cracks us up every time.

Yesterday, I actually placed Jackson on his potty seat and he went pee-pee in the potty! Oh I was so excited. Now we aren't running out for training pants or anything but hey anytime I don't have to change a diaper is great for me!!

He still eats and sleeps like a champ- people are always amazed at how much and what he eats. He loves most all veggies- he doesn't care for green beans though but loves peas and broccoli. He loves his fruits except for melons. He LOVES berries-blue, black, red and straw! Poor kid since they are going out of season. Luckily he likes oranges. He sleeps about 11-12 hours at night, then takes either one or two naps for about a total of 3-4 hours. My guess is that he weight right at 25 pounds, but we should find out in about a month at his 18 month appointment.

He had his first plane ride to visit our family in Washington state. He did so awesome! On the way out there we lucked out and was able to get a 3 seat row, so Mimi and I sat with him. On the way home though, he had to sit in my lap as I sat between 2 guys, but he did great. One guy even shared his chips with Jackson.

In the lives of Mommy and Daddy, we are just enjoying our little man and starting to think about remodeling the house. We really want to paint the walls and now I am starting to think of lots of other things I would like to do.

I am also toying with the idea of starting a photography business. Several of our friends have asked and/or commented about us taking their pictures, but usually they mean for free. So it will be a struggle to find someone who actually wants to pay for our time and new camera we bought :)

I am excited for the holidays coming! My dream would be to go and actually have a white Christmas this year, but I don't think we are in driving distance of snow and plane tickets cost too much!