Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A weekend away

Back in January my college roomate called and asked if I wanted to do a girl's trip. I immediately said no. I am a nursing mother and thoroughly hate my pump, but I quickly reconsidered and wondered if this type of opportunity would ever come again. The days leading up to the trip my head was consumed with all sorts of morbid thoughts. I would pray and pray that everything would be fine. Even as the plane was taking off I was talking myself down from a panic attack. I didn't want to leave him! Everything was fine of course. And I feel I did really good no tears from missing him so much it hurt. I only called twice a day. Course he was sleeping both times on Saturday. But my wonderful husband left me a message of nothing but Jackson talking while he was playing.

I also think it is funny that everyone worried about Jason taking care of Jackson. He did great of course. I guess I am really lucky to have a husband who is so hands on with our son. He can do and does anything for him.

The big exciting news is that we can feel his two bottom teeth poking through! He is almost ready for steak!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

9 months

Here we are days away from Valentine's day. Jackson is 9 months old and I have had so many people tell that this is their favorite age. Course all of his are my favorite but I can see why they say that. He is doing so many new and exciting things. In one week he learned how to push himself up to sit and pull himself up to stand. I don't think I was quite ready for such changes so fast but no turning back now. What I think is so neat is that once he learns something he has basically mastered it. Just today he was standing behind his push walker and if we move it he moves his feet to catch up. Goodness we are in for it now! Still no teeth but that is ok he is slowly moving to finger foods. It wasn't until this last week that I looked at his 3 month picture and noticed the change. I wonder sometimes if I am the only one who frets about them growing up so much. Each day he needs me less and less and I need him more and more! Enough about that! I am already planning his birthday party which is in less than 3 months!