Thursday, December 3, 2009

19 Months

Ok, so little did I know that the one molar had brought his friends-- all of them. 3 molars have broken through and the 4th is just hanging out and waiting. If I didn’t know it was a molar I would think his gum had a weird growth – it is so swollen and red. Oh and I didn’t have to do the peanut butter trick- it was the tickle monster attack that allowed me to take a peek.

In other I am a big kid news, he tried to climb a grown-up ladder the other day. He walked right up to it and climbed a step before we could get to him. Had we let him continue I am sure my dare devil would have gone all the way to the top.

I am so excited as today I think we are going to let Jackson help us decorate the tree. This was mostly Jason’s idea as I had thought that Jackson would be much more into playing (aka breaking) the ornaments, but I can’t miss the chance to see if he will actually try to place them on the tree. He doesn’t say the word, but I have a Santa pillow and I ask him where is Santa and he points right to the pillow. My smart boy! My house is completely decorated in Santas. Old, wooden and country looking. Now I don’t love the “Santa who brings me whatever I want for Christmas” image, but as my mom explained to me once: There are people out in the world who are Santas to someone. They help and care when they need it most. That idea along with the true meaning of Christmas helps me to focus on what is important during this holiday season. It also has me thinking of ways I can show this to Jackson. Whether it be through volunteering or another means. I don't want him to ever feel a sense of entitlement. I want him to take his gifts and to share them with the world.

That is my 19 month birthday wish for my boy.