Monday, November 30, 2009

Holy Molar!

Holy Molar!

We have a molar! This is big news in Jackson’s mouth. He seems to be slow in getting teeth. Most of his younger friends have a mouthful but he has been making it with 4 teeth for a long while. He can eat like a champ so we weren’t concerned. But in the past month it seems like he has gotten 2 sides on the top and one on the bottom. Now he has a molar! He may even have or be getting another one but the little stinker isnt so keen on mommy trying to examine or feel around in there. I may have to stick my finger in peanut butter.

His vocabulary is growing- he now can say (and act out) ‘hot’ for food temperature. He can recognize bananas which he lovingly refers to as nanas. I used to worry because he never liked to be read to- at all. I mean you could get through about a line before he wanted to get down and run along his adventure. Now he brings us books to read and will sit in your lap and just listen to you.

He is learning so much from us that we don’t even know. Yesterday, he got a cup and proceeded to try and get water from the refrigerator. He would stand way up on his tippy toes and try and make the cup push the lever. Then he would check his progress by pouring the cup back into his mouth. When he finally got some water in the cup, he started to choke on the water and then decided to spill it all on the floor. It was pretty funny cause I was able to watch him (and capture video) and he had no idea I was there. Then the other day, he opened up my bath cabinet and pulled out my make-up brush and powder and proceeded to try and apply it like mommy. He is like this awesome sponge that soaks up the whole world around him. He is a great helper and tried to help me mop the floor. He took a tissue used it to cover his mouth while he fake coughed then used the same tissue to try and clean the table. We said he was trying to be green. I am so in love with this awesome little dude.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

18 months

Today my son you are 18 months old. You have accomplished so many things, but yet I hope and pray you have many more to come. You can walk and you can talk. You can express your likes and dislikes. You can show love which just melts my heart everyday. Our new thing is that I will lean my head to yours and tap just slightly and you will repeat it back to me while laughing. You know by my million kisses a day when I say I want a kiss to show me your cheek. You are brave and tough. Even more than most children you show no fear, which is something that causes mommy a lot of heartache. Just the other day you decide to fall off the couch and got right up without a complaint and went about your way. I pray that when life hits you hard times you maintain your ability to keep moving on with grace. You have mommy and daddy days, which is very generous of you. There are days where only mommy will do then the very next day may be daddy’s day and you guys hang out all day. You love to be outside and we can hardly go out the door without taking you with us. You love to things on your own and in your own way. You are a great eater. You will try anything and there are very few things you do not like. One of those is green beans. You love broccoli and peas and all of your fruits. You have started eating apple slices by yourself and taking the big boy bites. As of today you have 6 teeth- 4 front teeth and your right bottom side and top left side tooth. Though I am thinking you are working on several more. You weight about 25 pounds. You can wear 12-18 month shirts and usually 12 month pants for the length. You have pretty much worked down to one good nap a day and still sleep through the night. Your favorite things to do include running, dancing, playing at the playground and helping us. You aren’t much for cuddling or sitting still, but you will let us hold you and if you are drinking your milk before bed you might sit in our laps.

18 months- you no longer look like the little baby we brought home, but like a toddler. You are still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. You and your daddy are my world.
