Monday, January 12, 2009

Jackson is 8 months now. It finally hit me that he is closer to 1 year old rather than that little baby from the hospital. While I am so excited for the things he is learning to do each day, it breaks my heart as he gets more and more independent.

We had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. While Jackson enjoyed the tissue paper and bags more than anything I am pretty sure he had a good time. Course he missed New Years which was very nice on Mommy and Daddy.

He can get anywhere he wants to go. He doesn't fully crawl but he does army crawl. He tries to pull up on everything!! And loves for you to hold his hands so he can practice standing.

He loves his yogurt, but isn't quite digging his meats yet. I have no worries that he will love his chicken fingers when the time comes.

This year brings so many new and exciting things for us. First steps, first real words, and first birthday. I almost can't wait.