Monday, February 22, 2010

Jackson is now 21 months old. It amazes me that time has passed so quickly. He now looks like a child instead of a baby. He understands so much of what we tell him that it is scary. His words are still not many, but his comprehension makes up for it to me. For Valentine's Day, I told Jason I wanted to take Jackson to the circus. He had such a great time just watching and studying everything that was going on. I wonder how his mind made sense of it all. But he would just sit in our laps and stare. Then he would spontaneously clap if he liked something. I can't wait to take him next year! We also had our first real snow at the house. He has played at a local snow park but usually it is pretty much ice and way too many people to have free reign. At home though he had a blast running and kicking the snow. He would then hit at it with his mittens. His favorite things are to have us read to him (and no matter how many books I buy him it is always the same stories), dance around the living room and he has taken to just running and falling while making what we call boy noises like grunts. He still eats great and enjoys pretty much everything we give him. He has discovered dipping his food into whatever sauce is appropriate. He likes to dip his fries in ketchup, then he wanted sour cream for his quesadilla. He still goes to bed at 7 and sleeps till 7 in the morning if we let him. He usually takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. He is so sweet that he will give out hugs and kisses when asked and as a special treat on Valentine's Day for no reason (he must have known) when he woke up he gave me 2 kisses without me even asking.

The pregnancy is going well. We are just trucking along at this point. Our big doctor's ultrasound is scheduled for March 4th, but as an extra Valentine's Day gift Jason scheduled a sneak peek/gender ultrasound at an elective place. They have guessed girl for us!! We are so excited to be able to experience being parents to a boy and a girl! I can now feel her kicking and punching. The movements are still light and if I don't pay attention I will miss them.

I have been going through the house trying to prepare for a yard sale and the pending room swap. We can't take the crib out of the current room without dismantling it, so we have decided to move Jackson into that room which is also slightly bigger. I am terrified of this transition. I honestly have no idea that he will get in, stay in and fall asleep in a big boy bed. I am sure like with all things he will amaze me and do wonderfully. I just want to go ahead and get him moved so that he doesn't feel kicked out of his room when the baby comes. Then the ever looming potty training, which I honestly don't think he is ready for at all. He seems to show none of the ready signs- being wet or dirty doesn't bother him in the least. I don't want to push the issue just because a new baby is coming, because he will be ready when he is ready and not a moment sooner. He is after all my child.