Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Long time gone

So I have been away again for awhile. But I have the most adorable little excuse her name is Miranda and she is such a joy!! Miranda is almost 4 months old now and I can't believe. I think each time you have a child time must speed up even faster. Jackson has adapted so well to her, but I guess deep down I knew he would. He is our easy going kiddo. Miranda is pretty easy going as well, but she has her moments of letting you know that she is not happy.

She does not like to be in her car seat. This is quite opposite of Jackson who would spend days in there if he left him. So that means I tend to carry her in our baby bjorn a lot, which is has considerly cut down on my shopping- it is super hard to try on clothes and shoes with a baby attached to you. Other than that, she is a super happy, smiley baby. She loves for you to talk to her and I feel she may be a tad dare devilish like her brother. She loves to "fly" She chats with us all the time. I tell my husband that I think she will be right handed like her brother as both of them when they nurse and their right arms are up they move them in swimming motion across me but only on that one side. She sleeps like a champ going about 10 hours at night. I say she is going to be like my husband as he is long and lean and her percentiles show that pattern. She is almost 2 pounds less than jackson was at this same age.

Jackson is now 2 1/2 yrs old. His vocabulary has grown so much in the past several months. He loves trucks, cars, and trains. He is getting in disney movies- his favorites are Cars, Toy Story (for Buzz Lightyear) and Finding Nemo. He cracks us up all the time with the things he says. Yes is 'ness'. Today when I told him I was going to work he told me "no work". He has recently developed fears of thunder and strangers. He lvoed trick or treating once he realized there is candy involved. We started potty training him and he is doing awesome with it!! He has learned all of his colors and now we are working on letters and shapes!!

So that is all totally random things that I wanted to jot down so I don't forget this time with them as it is so amazing.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Snail mail smiles

When digital cameras have become mainstream, it renewed my interest in photography. This interest was passed to me from my father who has loved capturing images for years. He tends to shy away from any sort of posed pictures and loves to capture the truly candid shots. In fact, several cousins have asked him to be the photographer at their wedding when he didn't want to do it afraid they wouldn't be happy.

I on the other hand love the somewhat posed shots. I hate the goofy hold your hands this way and tilt your head and chin that way- I am more of a stand in front of this and lets see what happens. Since I have had my children my photography interest has grown by leaps and bounds. I take pictures of them all the time, but I need a way to share them with friends and family without loading down their email boxes with photo attachments. So what do I do? I send greeting cards for practically every holiday. This way they can see the kids progress as they grown and learn new things.

I have used Shutterfly in the past and love how easy it is to upload, personalize and order my pictures. You can see all of their Christmas card options here

I think I am going to use the Top 10 for our cards. How awesome to be able to give everyone our year in review highlights with pictures of proof!! We have had so many great moments it will be hard to narrow it down and figure out the order though I am sure M's birth is firmly cemented in the number 1 spot!

Other things I just recently found is Shutterfly also sells calendars which will make great gifts for grandparents and great-grandparents. I can put our pictures in them and each month they will see their smiling faces!!

And I am already combing through to find THE perfect birthday invitations for the kids parties next year!!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Ok, so as a Mommy of two kids I have to sadly admit I do not have a video camera to capture all their cuteness. I am photo crazy and will use the video feature on my camera, but it isn't the same and the quality isn't so great. But my good friend Brittany over at MommyWords may be able to fix this problem for me! She is giving a Flip Ultra HD!! SWEET!!

You can check out her blog and the giveaway here!!

In addition to being so generous with her readers, she is an awesome mom blogger who writes about the fun and tough stuff of being a parent and wife.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

You are my sunshine

Recently I received the best compliment ever, that my love for my children just exudes out of me. Now there are some days that I am sure this is not case, but I like to think that most days people can tell I am head over heels in love with my family. I have a little over 30 days till we get to meet our baby girl. For the most part, I am still feeling really good. The heat is starting to get to me, so I try to limit my time outside but I love to drive around in my car cause then I don't feel guilty for cranking the air down to frostbite level. I would hate to see our power bill if I did that at home! She is still pretty active in here and was causing some pain as she was trying to pop out a rib yesterday. I feel her hiccup several times a day. I need to do a couple final things in preparation for her arrival. We need to wash and fold her clothes, put the car seats in the cars and I need to pack for the hospital.

Jackson is doing so many amazing things. Since he had reaching talking age, I had always wondered if he was 'up to speed.' Mostly this fear was related to the well baby checklists the ped gives at each visit to monitor his progress. He was at the lower end of the word counts each time, then at his two year visit he was 'supposed' to have several sentences, but he only had one 2 word sentence of 'whats that'. Anyway, the ped suggested we have him evaluated she didn't feel anything was wrong since he comprehended everything we tell him, but she thought early intervention would be best. After the evaluation, we were told he was borderline for speech but would most likely score off the charts for understanding. We were given some tools to try and they said he should be mimicking our sounds within 30 days. See he had 20 words but they weren't conversation words. He didn't ask for anything he would just grunt and point. So the day after the evaluation was rough trying to 'make' him talk to us, but by lunch time he was saying more for more food. After that his words just grew. He now says up, down, milk, more, please, eat and other item words. We are now working on getting him to combine words, but it is so exciting to see his vocabulary almost double in a couple weeks.

He is getting interested in coloring. Thank goodness for Crayola paper where the markers only show up on special paper. Sure it costs more but think of what it saves in un-ruined furniture and time of cleaning up walls. We had placed him in swim class earlier this year and I worried that he hadn't really picked anything up. He still want to play in the water. But I found him a float that has the two arm supports, but also has a float piece that goes across his chest. We tried it out this past weekend for the first time and he did awesome. He will venture out and actually swim around and turn around and come back while kicking. He is also starting to incorporate the arm movements. And he loves it!!

The title of this post comes from a one of our baby toys. I found it while I was cleaning up the baby items- car seat, bouncer, etc. It is a toy that when you squeeze it plays musical "you are my sunshine." Course Jackson didn't miss a single new item that found its way into the house, so he will play with that toy and get such a kick out of the fact that mommy knows the song and sings along.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The countdown

Less than 100 days to go until our due date. Course she can come after that I know, but it is still amazing to consider than in such a short time span we will become a family of 4. In one week I will be in my third trimester. I am still feeling pretty good. I can feel it in my hips and pelvic region if I sit at work too long without moving around or if I do a 30 min walk in our hilly neighborhood. I spent time this weekend getting her room together. I finally got all of Jackson’s things moved out and hung up the clothes that we already have for her. Jackson was helping- he would grab her clothes and hang them on the dresser in a row. I also washed her bedding, but need to raise the crib back up to newborn height and make the bed. Then all that is left to do is put her wall decorations up. I can feel her kick, punch and now roll. I think the rolling is the neatest feeling. I guess cause that is what I remember so much with Jackson- he was very much a roller.

Jackson is about one week away from being 2. I can’t believe it. My heart is so excited for the little boy he is, but hates how fast time is flying by. He is so amazing to us and is such a joy to our lives. His vocabulary is growing and his favorite thing to ask now is “What’s that or Who’s that.” It is so funny that from the moment he wakes up and we go and get him, the whats that game starts. Some times he asks it about so many things we can’t even answer before he moves on to the next item. My mom says he is like a sponge and is just soaking up all of the world around him. I think that is true, because while he has yet to repeat all of the words we tell him if you ask to point out something that you have told him what it is he can immediately find it. A recent trip to Home Depot for yard supplies taught him one of my new favorite words for him- flower – which he says ow-er. It is right up there with shoe which sounds a lot like chew. Something else I think it super funny, if you ask him to chew his food he squishes up his nose like he is smelling something. I have no idea why he does this but it cracks me up.

We have officially gotten rid of the pacifier. As always he amazes me with his ability to adapt without a fuss. It only seems to be Sunday afternoon naps that he struggles without paci. Other than that he is fine. He hasn’t even asked for it. My great trick- I just didn’t give it to him. It was out of his room, so when I layed him down I just gave him his lovey, blanket and a kiss and walked out. He looked around like um…aren’t you forgetting something but he didn’t say anything.
We still have potty training on his to-do list, but he still isn’t showing any interest, so I will hold off and not force the issue.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The mean dentist

Jackson has been in his big boy bed for a full two weeks. And as always he completely amazes me. He has done great! For the first week, it may have taken a little bit longer to actually fall asleep for naps and bedtime, but now he knows the drill and goes right to sleep.

Last week, he went to the dentist for the first time and to say he didn’t like it would be an understatement. He has never had any problems with letting me brush his teeth. It is almost the opposite, he is fighting me cause he wants to do it. He has always been super at the doctor’s office and even when he had to have stitches awake. But the dentist? He was not having any of that. First I think it was the way they tried to have me lay him basically against my lap. He doesn’t like that any time. In the end the dentist and hygienist were able to get in there and get the job done. Course one of the things the dentist said was that it was time to get rid of his pacifier. Thanks lady…I already have that on my list of to-dos, but honestly it scares me. Since he turned one, he has only had the paci for bedtime and naps (and the occassional car trip). So to me his daily total paci time can not be more than an hour a day. Also, if kids suck their thumbs then they are certainly doing it longer than 22 months. But I digress, cause I feel the need to defend my boy and his paci. I am afraid that he will have a hard time adjusting. I feel that at a year I should have taken the paci away along with nursing and bottles, because at that time the attachment wasn’t near as strong as it is now. I am afraid that he will go to sucking his thumb or fingers, which is one of the reasons I gave him the paci anyway (I mean you can’t go around throwing away fingers). My plan is to give him a month of being in his new room and big boy bed before I implement operation no more paci. Not sure of my exact tactics. Some people say cold turkey is best, some have used the magical paci fairy and presents, someone even suggested I put that stuff you put on your nails to stop biting them. Part of me thinks a slow way out might work. Where I try to lay him down without it and see if he minds – if he does let him try to self soothe for a period of time that increases over several days. While It upsets me that the dentist said anything about it at all, I guess part of me is glad that I now have a reason why I should do it. I mean with his dad and I both having braces it isn’t like he was going to make it through school without some horrible braces pictures.

In general Jackson news, he is growing up which I guess is obvious but he is looking grown up. A lot of the baby chunk is gone, his face has slimmed down course he still has mommas chipmunk cheeks. He looks like a little man, he walks like a little man and he acts like a little man. He is smart almost too smart for his own good, he is sweet and knows how to give the best hugs and kisses, he is kind he was sharing his snacks with his friends this weekend without being made to, aw he is the light of our life.

In belly land, I am 22 weeks. Just barely over the half way hump. My belly has grown and I now look pregnant. I feel her moving all the time. She seems to be a lot more active that I remember Jackson. July is seeming so close and yet so far away. It seems that we will have spurts of busy time followed by slow times as we wait for her arrival.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Oh it is March 1st and I hope that means Spring is quickly coming. The time change is coming which I love, cause I actually get a chance to spend some time outside after work. I am excited to get outside and go for some walks and take Jackson to the park.

This Thursday we get to go for another ultrasound and hopefully confirm that this babe is still a girl. I sure hope so cause my mom and I have been taking advantage of all the winter clearance sales.

This coming weekend is also the weekend that we will move Jackson into his new room. Yesterday we ordered his new furniture and as we were walking out of the store I seriously almost started crying. Even now the thought of it can bring me to tears. When did he get old enough for a big boy bed?? Ah! Time flies by so fast. I mean it was just two years ago that we were getting ready for our baby shower for him. He is getting a queen size bed, because we already had a mattress that size in the room, so one thing exciting is I can go and snuggle with him. This pregnancy seems to come with a lot of night wakings, so I will often go and rock in his room while he sleeps. This thought reminded me of a song that I have loved from the first time I heard it. I would play it all the time when he was in my belly.

I have been reminded lately that none of us are promised tomorrow. So I as fight back tears this weekend when I lay him down in that big bed for the first time, I will smile and be thankful for where we are and cherish this time before his next big accomplishment.

They didn't have you where I come from
Never knew the best was yet to come
Life began when I saw your face
And I hear your laugh like a serenade

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

I slip in bed when you're asleep
To hold you close and feel your breath on me
Tomorrow there'll be so much to do
So tonight I'll drift in a dream with you

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

As you wander through this troubled world
In search of all things beautiful
You can close your eyes when you're miles away
And hear my voice like a serenade

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

Monday, February 22, 2010

Jackson is now 21 months old. It amazes me that time has passed so quickly. He now looks like a child instead of a baby. He understands so much of what we tell him that it is scary. His words are still not many, but his comprehension makes up for it to me. For Valentine's Day, I told Jason I wanted to take Jackson to the circus. He had such a great time just watching and studying everything that was going on. I wonder how his mind made sense of it all. But he would just sit in our laps and stare. Then he would spontaneously clap if he liked something. I can't wait to take him next year! We also had our first real snow at the house. He has played at a local snow park but usually it is pretty much ice and way too many people to have free reign. At home though he had a blast running and kicking the snow. He would then hit at it with his mittens. His favorite things are to have us read to him (and no matter how many books I buy him it is always the same stories), dance around the living room and he has taken to just running and falling while making what we call boy noises like grunts. He still eats great and enjoys pretty much everything we give him. He has discovered dipping his food into whatever sauce is appropriate. He likes to dip his fries in ketchup, then he wanted sour cream for his quesadilla. He still goes to bed at 7 and sleeps till 7 in the morning if we let him. He usually takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. He is so sweet that he will give out hugs and kisses when asked and as a special treat on Valentine's Day for no reason (he must have known) when he woke up he gave me 2 kisses without me even asking.

The pregnancy is going well. We are just trucking along at this point. Our big doctor's ultrasound is scheduled for March 4th, but as an extra Valentine's Day gift Jason scheduled a sneak peek/gender ultrasound at an elective place. They have guessed girl for us!! We are so excited to be able to experience being parents to a boy and a girl! I can now feel her kicking and punching. The movements are still light and if I don't pay attention I will miss them.

I have been going through the house trying to prepare for a yard sale and the pending room swap. We can't take the crib out of the current room without dismantling it, so we have decided to move Jackson into that room which is also slightly bigger. I am terrified of this transition. I honestly have no idea that he will get in, stay in and fall asleep in a big boy bed. I am sure like with all things he will amaze me and do wonderfully. I just want to go ahead and get him moved so that he doesn't feel kicked out of his room when the baby comes. Then the ever looming potty training, which I honestly don't think he is ready for at all. He seems to show none of the ready signs- being wet or dirty doesn't bother him in the least. I don't want to push the issue just because a new baby is coming, because he will be ready when he is ready and not a moment sooner. He is after all my child.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


13 weeks today. Officially in my second trimester, which is great because that hopefully means morning sickness (read night sickness) should be gone very soon. I have greatly improved in my exhaustion department and only need a nap every couple days. I have broken down and started wearing maternity pants to work this week. They are still not quite necessary but I like to eat lunch and my regular pants were not so conducive to such things.

On January 11, we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I swear that sound is so beautiful and heartwarming. The amazingness of it never wears off on me. I am so ready to find out who is baking in here, so that I can start to plan for this little one. With your first pregnancy, you can spend hours researching car seats, strollers, pack n plays, cribs, and a host of other must have items. However we already have all of these things just waiting on this babe, so I feel as though I am not doing anything for this one. I have picked out bedding if this babe is a girl however and I really hope it is, because I just adore this bedding. Technically, Jackson’s bedding is gender neutral and I went that route with the intention of not having to purchase any new bedding for the second child. Silly me- I forgot how I am. I love bedding and if my husband would let me I would probably change ours all of the time. So the chances of me using the same bedding are quite slim. If this babe is a boy, then I almost feel that I would want new bedding because Jackson’s bedding is just that- his. I will always remember and associate his jungle bedding with him. If this babe is a boy, then he already has all of Jackson’s hand me down clothes, why not give him his own nursery? So in the mean time we wait to see who is hiding in here. I would say patiently but that would be a lie.

Jackson is 20 months and his usual awesome self. He now has all 4 canine teeth. So his mouth is quite full and I think he may be ready for a steak (or is that me?). Poor kid is still missing the bottom left side to the front teeth. And of course his 2 year molars. He amazes me all the time with how much he understands. Words are harder to come by but he understands all of our every day actions such as time for a bath, time to eat, time for milk. He can now point out most of his body parts- hair, head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, arm, hands, fingers, legs, foot and toes. My favorite is when he shows his belly- it is like he just had one of the best meals and his belly is all full and poking out and he justs rubs it with pride. He has learned to jump- ok really we jump, and then he bends his knees and falls to his bottom. He loves to dance and if he had his own iPod remix it would include Randy Houser- Boots On, Beyonce- Single Ladies, Lady Gaga- Poker Face. There is this show on called the Singing Bee- basically people have to finish the lyrics to all these songs- he loves this show. I mean way more than any cartoon/kid show. He goes crazy for this show- runs around screaming and clapping. I am sure this love of music has nothing to do with me blaring music every time we drove anywhere when he hung out growing in my belly. I love every day with him and I love the smile beams at us when he is so happy and content. It makes me feel as though we at least do something right!

Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Beginning

Jackson had a truly wonderful Christmas. He was so excited to open up his presents and get toys. He had us cracking up, cause he would tear the paper then say “oooohhhh” like it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. Once he opened one, we had to take it immediately out of the box, so he could try it out before he would open the next one. His big present was a tricycle, which his feet still don’t quite reach the pedals, but he uses his feet to move himself all around like a Flintstones car. We spent the morning at our house, then went to my parents for breakfast and round #2. Later that day, we drove to spend the weekend with his other grandparents, which makes round #3. He is a very lucky kid.

Earlier that week, he had gotten a stomach bug and it is so hard to watch your little one get sick like that. Luckily this one didn’t last near as long as the one he had last winter. Only a couple days of the yuckies and he was back to his normal self.

For New Year’s,we had a low key evening at home with his cousins, C and T, our friends and his buddy, S, J and J and Mimi and Papa. Unfortunately for me, I got sick thanks to the wonderful thing known as morning sickness. Yep, that is right- we are expecting our second child. We are due at the end of July and I almost 11 weeks along. So far this pregnancy has been a lot nicer to me in the morning sickness department. Like Jackson, I suffer at night and am completely fine in the morning. But on like Jackson, I have not spent weeks on end hanging out in the bathroom. My nights are usually spent being a bump on a log on the couch. Doing basically absolutely nothing and spending only a couple evenings in the bathroom. Other than morning sickness, I have been completely exhausted to the point of needing (not that I get them but I sure need them) daily naps.

While we both wanted and were trying to get pregnant, it has taken some mental adjusting for me to come to grips with the idea of being a mother of two. The hardest part for me is the idea of how it will affect Jackson. And how in the world can I possibly love another child as much as him? All mothers of two have told me these thoughts are normal and there is no question that I will love and adore this child as much as Jackson. As I begin to feel better physically, I also feel better emotionally and I am truly looking forward to meeting this little person and learning all about them.