Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Long time gone

So I have been away again for awhile. But I have the most adorable little excuse her name is Miranda and she is such a joy!! Miranda is almost 4 months old now and I can't believe. I think each time you have a child time must speed up even faster. Jackson has adapted so well to her, but I guess deep down I knew he would. He is our easy going kiddo. Miranda is pretty easy going as well, but she has her moments of letting you know that she is not happy.

She does not like to be in her car seat. This is quite opposite of Jackson who would spend days in there if he left him. So that means I tend to carry her in our baby bjorn a lot, which is has considerly cut down on my shopping- it is super hard to try on clothes and shoes with a baby attached to you. Other than that, she is a super happy, smiley baby. She loves for you to talk to her and I feel she may be a tad dare devilish like her brother. She loves to "fly" She chats with us all the time. I tell my husband that I think she will be right handed like her brother as both of them when they nurse and their right arms are up they move them in swimming motion across me but only on that one side. She sleeps like a champ going about 10 hours at night. I say she is going to be like my husband as he is long and lean and her percentiles show that pattern. She is almost 2 pounds less than jackson was at this same age.

Jackson is now 2 1/2 yrs old. His vocabulary has grown so much in the past several months. He loves trucks, cars, and trains. He is getting in disney movies- his favorites are Cars, Toy Story (for Buzz Lightyear) and Finding Nemo. He cracks us up all the time with the things he says. Yes is 'ness'. Today when I told him I was going to work he told me "no work". He has recently developed fears of thunder and strangers. He lvoed trick or treating once he realized there is candy involved. We started potty training him and he is doing awesome with it!! He has learned all of his colors and now we are working on letters and shapes!!

So that is all totally random things that I wanted to jot down so I don't forget this time with them as it is so amazing.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Snail mail smiles

When digital cameras have become mainstream, it renewed my interest in photography. This interest was passed to me from my father who has loved capturing images for years. He tends to shy away from any sort of posed pictures and loves to capture the truly candid shots. In fact, several cousins have asked him to be the photographer at their wedding when he didn't want to do it afraid they wouldn't be happy.

I on the other hand love the somewhat posed shots. I hate the goofy hold your hands this way and tilt your head and chin that way- I am more of a stand in front of this and lets see what happens. Since I have had my children my photography interest has grown by leaps and bounds. I take pictures of them all the time, but I need a way to share them with friends and family without loading down their email boxes with photo attachments. So what do I do? I send greeting cards for practically every holiday. This way they can see the kids progress as they grown and learn new things.

I have used Shutterfly in the past and love how easy it is to upload, personalize and order my pictures. You can see all of their Christmas card options here

I think I am going to use the Top 10 for our cards. How awesome to be able to give everyone our year in review highlights with pictures of proof!! We have had so many great moments it will be hard to narrow it down and figure out the order though I am sure M's birth is firmly cemented in the number 1 spot!

Other things I just recently found is Shutterfly also sells calendars which will make great gifts for grandparents and great-grandparents. I can put our pictures in them and each month they will see their smiling faces!!

And I am already combing through to find THE perfect birthday invitations for the kids parties next year!!