Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas time

This past weekend we sent to see Santa Claus. I was really worried about how Jackson would act but he didnt mind it all! We sat him down and he was playing with the beard. I can't believe this year is almost over. Our lives have changed for the good and it is amazing. People aren't kidding when they say wait till you have kids. It rocks your world. People without kids always say that want a girl or boy and think it really matters. Well from someone who wanted a girl so bad I can tell you it doesn't matter. All you want is a baby and a healthy baby is just the icing on the cake. God knew better than me that I needed Jackson. He will always be our first born. Someone to carry on our last name. I am so thankful for the gift I received way before Christmas this year and he just keeps giving.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Two in one week, I am getting good

So I started this blog thing thinking it would be a great way to keep up with my pregnancy and Jackson, but like we have learned you have to keep up the blog in addition to keeping up with a newborn. But on to more important things like Jackson. *MAYBE* just maybe he was scooting his little tushy back yesterday. Almost scared me to death when he pushed the pillow off the bed and started to roll. (mental note put him on the floor now), so I turned him the other way and I swear he started scooting back. Then he was doing it in the den course it is a lot easier on hardwood. So I tell my mom this and she says yeah he has been doing that there. I made her promise before to not tell me if he did anything new and exciting at her house. Cause it would just break my heart to miss it. Anyway, this could the beginning of a new and exciting chapter.

Jason is going out of town this weekend to go skeet shooting. I hopefully will be taking Jackson to see our town's Christmas tree lighting.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ok ok, so I know I said I was going to keep up with it more. Cut me some slack I have a newborn at home you know :). So tomorrow Jackson will be 7 months!! 7 months?! How did that happen and how can I make it stop? He is such an awesome little kid. He is so smiley and happy most of the time. We are truly lucky. Just this past week we pulled out the camera and he posed and smiled. Too funny!! He is sitting up better each time. He also tries to sit up if he is laying down. About a month ago we started solids and he loves everything we give him. ok the first time we tried avocados he didnt dig them, but now he loves them. He kinda says Dada but it is more da.................da. He just had his first Thanksgiving. Nothing too eventful, just some sweet potatoes. It is hard to believe this time last year I didnt know if I was having a girl or boy now here he is. My 100% boy.