Monday, April 26, 2010

The countdown

Less than 100 days to go until our due date. Course she can come after that I know, but it is still amazing to consider than in such a short time span we will become a family of 4. In one week I will be in my third trimester. I am still feeling pretty good. I can feel it in my hips and pelvic region if I sit at work too long without moving around or if I do a 30 min walk in our hilly neighborhood. I spent time this weekend getting her room together. I finally got all of Jackson’s things moved out and hung up the clothes that we already have for her. Jackson was helping- he would grab her clothes and hang them on the dresser in a row. I also washed her bedding, but need to raise the crib back up to newborn height and make the bed. Then all that is left to do is put her wall decorations up. I can feel her kick, punch and now roll. I think the rolling is the neatest feeling. I guess cause that is what I remember so much with Jackson- he was very much a roller.

Jackson is about one week away from being 2. I can’t believe it. My heart is so excited for the little boy he is, but hates how fast time is flying by. He is so amazing to us and is such a joy to our lives. His vocabulary is growing and his favorite thing to ask now is “What’s that or Who’s that.” It is so funny that from the moment he wakes up and we go and get him, the whats that game starts. Some times he asks it about so many things we can’t even answer before he moves on to the next item. My mom says he is like a sponge and is just soaking up all of the world around him. I think that is true, because while he has yet to repeat all of the words we tell him if you ask to point out something that you have told him what it is he can immediately find it. A recent trip to Home Depot for yard supplies taught him one of my new favorite words for him- flower – which he says ow-er. It is right up there with shoe which sounds a lot like chew. Something else I think it super funny, if you ask him to chew his food he squishes up his nose like he is smelling something. I have no idea why he does this but it cracks me up.

We have officially gotten rid of the pacifier. As always he amazes me with his ability to adapt without a fuss. It only seems to be Sunday afternoon naps that he struggles without paci. Other than that he is fine. He hasn’t even asked for it. My great trick- I just didn’t give it to him. It was out of his room, so when I layed him down I just gave him his lovey, blanket and a kiss and walked out. He looked around like um…aren’t you forgetting something but he didn’t say anything.
We still have potty training on his to-do list, but he still isn’t showing any interest, so I will hold off and not force the issue.