Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vacation Time

It is about to be a very exciting time for us. Vacation time! Ah I can’t wait!! We pretty much haven’t had a take a week off vacation in 2 ½ years, which isn’t that long but we like to travel. This will be our first big trip with Jackson. We have done little weekend trips here and there, but nothing like this. Oh the amount I have to pack! Luckily there is laundry service, so I am going to try and not make myself crazy with guessing how many outfits he will need. Normally I would never pay for such things, but I am thinking sanity outweighs the cost. I am getting overwhelmed with the snacks and food and in case items like bandaids, medicines, nail clippers and files and this and that. What is awesome is that Jackson gets to meet his only Uncle, Aunt P and his other cousins! We are celebrating my brother’s birthday with a mini family reunion!

One of my friends had mentioned all the fun things we could do at night and I reminded her of Jackson and how he goes to bed so early. Normally at 7, but Jason and I decided we would try to bump it back an hour or so for the trip. To which she replied how much that would stink, because basically that means we have to go to bed early. And you know I felt like that for awhile and then it hit me that I was being a complete goober. If I had the choice to pick between staying out late at night or going to bed early with my baby. I tell you what I would pick every day of the week. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t give up for him. I realize how he is, he isn’t one to go to sleep at night in his stroller, he isn’t one who just falls asleep anywhere he is whenever he is tired. He is too afraid he will miss something. Luckily the times we have had to postpone bedtime he has always been a trooper not fussing or crying he just takes in the world. But he likes being put to bed with his elephant and little blanket. He likes it quiet and dark. He is a great sleeper, but usually no matter what time we put him to bed he is up at the same time in the morning. So I don’t want to make him a sleepy miserable little boy just so I can get in an extra hour of me time. I am excited to see his reactions to all the little things that this vacation will offer us. I can’t wait to bring back all the pictures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ooh and I can't wait to see all the pictures!! :)